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6Lean Article: Ask an Expert

By: Rob Ketchabaw

A solid communication plan is imperative for any organization that wishes to capitalize on Six Sigma, or any other change initiative for that matter. However, it is all too common to hear this kind of feedback: Only the inner circle of Quality knows what is going on with the Six Sigma initiative. Here are some ideas that can be used as components of any communication plan.

:: 6Lean Article: Ask an Expert ::

The Six Sigma Revolution:

Will you be a dude or a dud?

By: Rob Ketchabaw

During your studies here at the Ivey School of Business you will undoubtedly learn a great deal about winning in business. Sure, we all think that after graduation we'll run out there kick butts and take names and, once we've made it, someone will call us “dude”. Of course it is also possible that we'll run out there and make many of the mistakes that have been made before us. Quite frankly we could end up duds. The real question is: what will make the difference?

:: Six Sigma Revolution ::

A Brief Introduction To Six Sigma

By: Rob Ketchabaw

View a high-level introduction to Six Sigma.  In an overview format, this presentation covers the basic DMAIC methodology and some of the tools of the trade.  Contact us with any questions or comments please.

:: Introduction to Six Sigma ::

In-House or
Outsource Training?

By: Rob Ketchabaw

How do you maximize your Return on Investment (ROI) for your training dollars? As a former employee of GE, I heard a lot about making your backroom someone else's front room. This was one of the driving forces behind then CEO Jack Welch's business improvement efforts . As one of Jack's many fans, I thought about applying the same logic to Six Sigma training.

:: In-House or Outsource Training ::

The Top 10 Traits of Terrific Trainers

By: Jim Allen

  1. They know their stuff.
    The best trainers are intimately familiar with every aspect of the material they are presenting. They know what's in their handouts, brochures and trainee materials.
  2. They know what they don't know.

:: Top 10 Traits of Terrific Trainers ::


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